Soups provide valuable nutrients


Usually, the soup combines many different ingredients – spoon feed  vegetables, meat, groats, fats, which is why it is rich in a large amount of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium, as well as iron, magnesium,  spoon feed and fluorine. In addition, it provides vitamins E, B and beta-carotene as well as a large amount of fiber, which makes us feel full after eating soup, and the intestines work spoon feed  without downtime.

Soups are filling, but not fattening
Pure soup cooked in vegetable stock is filling, but not  spoonfeed caloric, e.g. a portion of vegetable soup (approx. 300 g) provides approx. spoonfeed  100 calories. Additives to soups, e.g. pasta, potatoes, rice, are more caloric, so use them in moderation.

Soup is a good way to smuggle vegetables into our diet
It has been proven that in order to provide the spoonfeed  body with the necessary minerals and vitamins, one should eat about half a kilogram of vegetables a day. Adults know how important it is for their health to eat vegetables, but sometimes they exclude them from the diet. A large number of people do not like  spoonfeed salads, salads or vegetable smoothies. However, it is especially hard to explain to children that vegetables are health. A great solution is to serve your kids a variety of soups with various additives so that they do not associate them only with boring vegetables.


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